Marcas como Cheap Monday e April 77 são o Must Have de quem quer estar no auge da moda. O vestuário masculino é aquele que está a sofrer mudanças mais evidentes e como a moda está em constante mudança, deixo-vos com a nova tendência do universo masculino: Meggings.
É a grande tendência de momento e está a invadir as principais capitais da moda, e veio também dar continuidade à tendência dos homens, que continuam a procurar alternativa ao seu outfit no guarda-roupa das suas namoradas, o Girfriend Look.
Most of male wardrobes seems a sanctuary, without sensitivity to wear.
Few collections ago, Heidi Slimane launched skinny jeans on a Dior Homme fashion show, leaving the other models of wider pants completely Out.
Brands such as Cheap Monday or April 77 are the Must Have for those who want to be at the highest point of fashion. Menswear has changed in an evident way and as fashion is constantly changing, I leave you with the new trend of male universe: Meggings.
It is the big trend at the moment and is sweeping the major fashion capitals, and also came to continue the trend of men who seek an alternative to their outfit inside the wardrobe of their girlfriends, the Girfriend Look.
Few collections ago, Heidi Slimane launched skinny jeans on a Dior Homme fashion show, leaving the other models of wider pants completely Out.
Brands such as Cheap Monday or April 77 are the Must Have for those who want to be at the highest point of fashion. Menswear has changed in an evident way and as fashion is constantly changing, I leave you with the new trend of male universe: Meggings.
It is the big trend at the moment and is sweeping the major fashion capitals, and also came to continue the trend of men who seek an alternative to their outfit inside the wardrobe of their girlfriends, the Girfriend Look.
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